182 thoughts on “Sign the Guestbook

  1. My condolences on your loss for this moment. As you will see her soon I am sure of it. My Goyim name is Robert Lee my Jewish name is Reuben Levi in honor of the 400 yrs of Jewish ancestral history. I just came upon your site by accident. I wanted to wish you my blessings from our Creator YHVH Elohim. May he watch over you and give you his grace and Shalom. Our son left home and said he hated us, my wife of 50yr and I, So we feel like we have had a death. Again, “May the lord of creation watch over you, protect you and may he look down on you as a father does his child and give you his grace and shalom” Be comforted in that Yael is in his arms at this moment.

  2. Dear Joseph and Debbie,
    Sherl and I will continue to pray for our Father in Heaven to comfort you in a way that only he can. during these very difficult days.

  3. May the good Lord surround you with His love, peace and comfort. May the beautiful memories always be a blessing. đź’•

  4. Joe and Debbie: Please know that we are praying for you during this most difficult time. Although we never met Yael, she has sure left an impression on our hearts – such a witness!! Thank you for being awesome servants of the Most High and may you be wrapped within His peace, Jim & Patty

  5. Praying for you all as you grieve the loss of your precious daughter Yael. May HaShem comfort you.

  6. There are those among us who have preceded you in this journey through the valley of the shadow of death and understand the depth of your grief at the loss of Yael.

    We stand as witnesses to the faithfulness of our God to walk beside us. Seldom does He give us understanding but in great measure, He gives us peace and comfort as we continue to walk with Him. In His strength and perfect timing He turns our mourning into dancing again! Until that day you have my most sincere condolences. On that day we will rejoice and dance together!

    Precious in the sight of ADONAI is the death of His saint. May Yael’s memory be for a blessing!

  7. I’ve been trying to write something for days, but there have been no words. I still have nothing to say. Joe and Debbie, I love you. I walk into Matt and Andy’s room and I see the anime posters and figurines and I think, “There’s Yael, she’ll always be here.” She got them hooked when we came down to visit you. They are even going to a convention in Seattle this year. I know how much she enjoyed it. Just part of her unique light, I suppose. I know this isn’t eloquent. I feel like, as an author, I could do a lot better on her behalf. But all I feel is pain and words seem really empty right now and I imagine I could write for a thousand years and never come up with anything adequate or worthy of her memory. I just can’t find anything to say that means as much as she does.

  8. I did know Yael Good in person. Yet, I knew from her father that she was scarey smart in the Bible. She was a true scholar. It is said that when we carry on the dreams and aspirations of one who has passed, they are still alive. I will, with the help of Hashem b’Y’shua keep Yael alive by doing all that Darren has suggested because this was what Yael stood for. Chesed- and when it came to truth Gevurah! Shalom, Shalom….Tirtzah

  9. Our family is heartbroken for you. My husband of blessed memory and I have listened to many of your teachings. We brought you into our home on many Sabbaths. You were like an extended family member. Yael was a beautiful young lady and again, my heart goes out to all of you. I mourn with you. I extend my sincere condolences to you, your beautiful wife, and your family. May the Heavenly Father comfort each of you and send you sweet shalom. Praying for you and the family.

  10. We are heartbroken for your loss, and we both send our deepest condolences! May Adonai comfort you with all the mourners of Zion and Yerushalayim. We are praying for your family.

  11. To our dear friends Joe and Debbie. Michael and I send out deepest condolences and our love. Our hearts are broken and we are without adequate words. You are experiencing a heartbreak few do. Ya’el was a very special young woman whose life and spirit touched many lives— more than we will ever know. We mourn with you and we continue to pray the Father shelter you under His healing wings and bring comfort and consolation to you both . Oseh Shalom…May He who makes peace bring peace you and the whole family. Michael and Dinah Dye

  12. My deepest condolences on the passing of your daughter. I was unsure of whether to share this with you but feel I should:

    You see, my daughter was experiencing scary symptoms, and we were concerned she might have a life threatening illness, the very night I learned Yael was on life support. My heart was filled with compassion for you. So, as I prayed for my daughter to recover, I also prayed yours would. I was admittedly starting to feel upset with God for allowing these circumstances.

    As I sat reflecting, I remembered a dream I had a couple months ago. In brief, I was with Jesus (possibly first dream like this I have ever had, so it got my attention). I felt so peaceful and safe in His presence, and He would answer my questions. I had this realization there with Him that He really was working everything out for the good of those who love Him. That even the bad stuff in life was okay, and ultimately good. It was so reassuring! Then fast forward to a later part in the dream where I was now back to the “real world” and the happy feelings were gone. Alone, I accidentally stirred up an Executioner Wasp (the species with the worst sting among insects I believe, you can google it). This wasp started to swarm around me, and I felt helpless as I swatted at it with my bare hand to no avail. This was where the rubber hit the road as they say, and I had a hard time keeping the peaceful perspective that bad things like this were “okay”. The wasp closed in on me and I thought I felt it dive into my hoodie, which frightened me so bad I woke up. But it did not actually sting me.

    Upon reflection the other evening, I realized the message here. An Executioner Wasp that assaulted me, but no sting came. “O death, where is your sting?”

    We still do not know what has been happening to my daughter, and I grieve with you over yours. I hope we can both find comfort in our Savior and His promises. May we both rest in the peace He offers us and be able to keep His perspective even when the rubber hits the road, and when bad things happen in this life.

    Love and shalom,

  13. We are heartbroken at your loss and grieve with you even though we have never met. We are the family of The Most High Elohim, the Creator. Please accept our condolences. Much prayer going up for your family. Love to you all!

  14. We send our condolences to you and pray that the God of all comfort would truly comfort you in this time of trouble. We are very sorry to hear about your grief. I pray that our prayer, along with yours and others’ would reach Adonai’s ears, that He would hear from heaven and move and act on your behalf. May life spring forth from Yael’s passing in the mighty name of Yeshua! Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints . . .

  15. May the Almighty comfort you among the other mourners of Zion and Yerushalayim.
    We were so privileged to have known and spent time with Yael… both at your home in Texas and also in Israel. What a gift! We send our love to your entire family and look forward to seeing you again in person…as well as Yael again in the Athid Levoh.

  16. Even though we’ve never met, we send our deepest regrets to your family in the crossing over of your beautiful Yael. We have been so blessed to have had an early mentor in our walk 16 yrs ago, Barbara Black, introduce us to your teachings. So very grateful for the faithful commitment your family has made to uncover the truths of the Temple. Asking for the Father’s shalom and comfort to fill the void in your hearts, as only He can.

  17. Dear Joe and Debbie, my thoughts and prayers are with you as they have been throughout this terrible ordeal. She was taken so soon, but she has accomplished so much, and in such a profound way. I am grateful for having the priviledge of rooming together with her in Jerusalem. She was a very easy person to be around. I will always remember her with that lovely smile on her face. May the Lord give you strength in these days.

  18. There are no words. I would just like to let you know that y’all are in our prayers and thoughts, always. Yael was an amazing young woman who was kind, well mannered and commpassionate. You two did a great job. I’m happy we got to spend time with you three in Jerusalem. May HaShem help all of you through the pain and may her memory be a blessing.
    -Sophia & Hector V.

  19. My deepest condolences to you and your family. This is the type of grief that seems impossible, so we pray for supernatural comfort and healing for the wounds that are left behind in Yael’s passing. So many people care for you and you have the body of Messiah lifting you up daily. Peace be with your family as you walk this road with the Father.

  20. Dear Joe, Debbie and family, My prayers are for you, for peace and comfort from Adonai, and for Him to send help from heaven and strength to get through this difficult time. I know she was a bright light of love and kindness. May the memory of her be filled with sweetness.

  21. Much love to you, Yael gave us beautiful, and a lot of fun, memories. Our children are great treasures. I rejoice before our Abba in heaven for those. Thankful that i got to share some of those times with you.

  22. Good family,
    May our FATHER’S peace and comfort cover all of you. So incredibly sorry for your loss and the pain you are experiencing. May the memories of Yael forever be with you. One day soon we will all be together without pain or brokenness.

  23. “Naked I came from my mother’s womb and naked I will return there. ADONAI gave and ADONAI has taken away; blessed be the Name of ADONAI.” A very commonly used verse in my culture to comfort the grieving family and a reminder for others. I know words cannot take the pain away. May the L-RD give you the comfort and shalom you need to get through.

  24. Joe & Debbie;

    Beth and I, as well as our entire congregation at Jacob’s Tent, are deeply saddened at the passing of your daughter, Yael. I can’t imagine the grief you are currently experiencing but I am confident that the Shepherd of Israel will give you the necessary strength to endure this heaviest of trials. We send our love and prayers for comfort. Shalom

    Bill & Beth Cloud

  25. Good family,
    May our FATHER’S peace and comfort cover all of you and the blessed memories of Yael forever be with you. I thank our FATHER in heaven for being able to meet your sweet family in Monroe, La.
    Our hearts and prayers are with you all.

  26. Though we only met Dr. Good last fall at a Temple conference in GA, we followed our friends on this last teaching trip to Israel with many pictures of Yael included in their adventures. They are heartbroken in this personal loss, and as believers, parents and grandparents our hearts are also grieved with this family. May her memory and the joy she brought to them always be a blessing.

  27. Dear Joe and Debbie,
    So saddened about your loss. I can’t imagine your pain and grief you are experiencing.
    And the great chasm this has left in your hearts
    My heartfelt prayers
    for healing and restoration! l
    O YHWH who brought us to birth, and in whose arms we die, in our grief and shock, contain and comfort us; embrace us with your love, give us hope in our confusion and grace to let go into new life; through Y,Shua Mashiach. Amein.

  28. I’m so sorry for your loss. My heart aches for you both. But, I’m confident that Our Heavenly Father is faithful in all things at all times. Praying for your family.

  29. Dear Joe and Debbie
    I am so sad for your loss. It was an honor to be praying for Ya’el though and I believe she changed all of our lives during this past week both personally and as a united body in Messiah. May HaShem keep you in the shelter of His wings and bring you shalom and comfort. You are very loved and such amazing image bearers for our King, always lifting His name high, even in the midst of such pain.

  30. Dear Joe and Debra
    I know there are no words at a time like this, but please know my heart aches with yours at the loss of your precious daughter Yael! NO parent should ever to have to experience the loss of a child [something I know all too well]. I pray our Creator and Heavenly Father’s complete Shalom, Shalom over you and the family! I pray for HIS comfort, and joy through your precious memories. You have been and will continue to be in my heart, thoughts, and prayers over the next coming days, weeks, and months. I am so sorry you are having to go through this. May HIS Blessings overtake you!
    “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”

  31. My condolences for your present loss! My heart breaks for you, I pray you find solice in knowing she is no longer in pain.
    I pray Yah’s comfort for you, and His peace that passes all understanding.

  32. I want to give you words of encouragement but I am lost for words. I never met your Yael, but after all of this, praying and following and taken the instructions given to go boldly before the throne of YAH, I felt as if I have known her for years. My heart breaks for you. I stand in agreement as for the unity that came with each day and will continue to share Yael’s story and the love she brought to the Nations. We love you and will continue to pray for HaShem’s peace.

  33. I did not personally know Yael or the family, but have learned from some of the teachings. I pray for all the family and may the Almighty Father bring you peace, comfort, and strength.

  34. A question countless people through the ages has probably asked. “Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People” ??? Perhaps the answer is hidden in Deuteronomy 29;29. A most likely answer for many other hidden things is because they are for Hashem alone ! Perhaps it’s also due to us not being able to understand the “Why”, even though we may think we can. Truly Hashem know what is best and we have to trust Him to guide us through it all. Our most peaceful resolution through it is to draw near and nearer and nearest, and some more unto Him !

  35. May your hearts and minds be comforted by His Holy Spirit, in Y’shua’s name. Thank you to Victor and Mary Kay Schultz for being so loving, caring, understanding and helpful to inform the rest of us of the situation and put together helps.

  36. We are sorry for your loss and lift you up in prayer as you take this time to grieve and remember all your good memories.
    Lance and Lisa Wheeler, Colorado

  37. We greet you coming out of the Temple as we go in, for yours is a real loss. But we pray that the bringing together of the two Houses that we have seen during your ordeal will continue on and increase, and that you may know the everlasting arms underneath–and that this attack that knocked the breath out of you all will only backfire and serve to strengthen the Kingdom it sought to damage. We love you and are praying for you often.

  38. Sending our deepest sympathy and deepest love …..Yael is so very precious. Our hearts are crushed by your loss. We can not imagine your pain. May the HOLY ONE of ISRAEL bless and sustain you during this time.

  39. Joe and Debbie,
    Thank you for the example you two are to so many of us. My heart is sad for your loss, and yet I am very grateful for the two of you.
    Thank you so much for your service to our King.

  40. Joe, Debbie and family, May our Heavenly Father shower you with the type of Shalom that only comes from Him during this most difficult time. May He apply a healing balm to your hearts. I thank Him that Yael has been an instrument of blessing in many lives and in different ways, drawing us together in solidarity to pray and to love. Our family will continue to lift you up in prayer

  41. My deepest condolences on the passing of Yael. I only met her once a few years ago and know how much she was loved. She will be truly missed. I pray you find peace and strength with togetherness of family and friends through the help of Our Heavenly Father.

  42. I have no words. Our hearts are broken for you , Debbie and your family . Yael put up a valiant fight . HaShem had other plans . May you all be comforted among the mourners of Jerusalem. May HaShem give you the strength to go on and bless the world with your heart and intelligence . Many people all over the world love you and I hope that love will help you through this tragic loss. There are no words ….

  43. I am incredibly sorry. I too have experienced loss and know how the waves of grief are unrelenting and threaten to drown you at any moment. Hold fast to your faith, to her memory, to the community that banded together around her. I cannot say time will make it better, but remembering her and honoring her just might.

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